Are You a Healthy Leader?

We've all seen the pastor whose life and ministry seems to be going great but then suddenly craters. It's either a moral failure, massive depression, or a crisis of faith that seems to take these out.

Are you at risk?

Take the quizlet below. Be as honest as you can be. No one else will see this. It'll help you identify areas where you might be at of burnout. It's completely confidential and will give you some tips on how to become more healthy based on the areas where you are at risk. It should only take 5 minutes to complete. Your longevity as a leader is worth the investment.

How much do you agree with the following statements?

Use the scales below to indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I am good at my job.

I feel lonely.

People know the real me.

I can tell my spouse about anything that happens during my day.

Most of the people around me just don't get it.

I am exhausted after being around people in my ministry.

I feel valued by those I'm responsible to.

I frequently get annoyed that people don't accomplish their responsibilities.

I beat myself up when things don't go well.

I feel like the world will fall apart if I take a vacation.

I feel "wrecked" when attendance is low during services.

I feel desperate for God right now.

Most of the time I spend with God or in the Bible is when I'm preparing my message.

I frequently feel jealous of other staff members on my team.

I frequently feel jealous of leaders from other churches/ministries.

I frequently feel second-guessed by my church/leaders.

Others believe I am effective at my job.

I get annoyed that people seem to deal with the same "junk" over and over.

I feel like I process tragedy in a healthy way.

Answer the following statements with the choices provided.

How much credit do you think is yours for the income of the ministry?

What's your relationship with those who aren't your spouse? (Don't answer if single.)

How much input can you receive from other people?

When service is over, how do you unwind.